I am so frustrated. I know this is a waiting game. I know patience is a virtue. This process has been relatively uneventful for me. My security clearance was, well, pretty fast. All in all, the whole process has been fast. I had my interview in May, my security interview end of June, my interviews were done by mid July, and I got my clearance in August. Final suitability was only supposed to take a week to 10 days, right? wrong....
Next Friday will make 2 months. 2 long months that I have been waiting in final suitability limbo.
I have called. I check my email several times a hour. I can hardly wait each day to check the mail.
I talked to my HR contact {a new employee} a few weeks ago, to see if she had any idea what was wrong. She gave me a number to someone else to check my status. I called that lady, and oops...big mistake. She told me that they do not give out status updates, and that I would be notified when a decision had been made. Furthermore, I should not worry, because how long it takes really doesn't matter, and it how long it was taking had no bearing on whether I was suitable. I am a worrier. I am very, very good at it.
I am trying not to read into things. Really. But holy cow, people, something. must. be. wrong! From what I can tell, most suitability evaluations take days...a week maybe.
I know that a few get through the security clearance and do not pass final suitability. I am now having nightmares about things I have not even done that would prevent me from being declared suitable.
My daughter wants a cell phone for her birthday. I don't want to get into a 2 year contract if we are leaving in the spring. There are so many things we want to do, but not if we are leaving...
Really hoping for some good news. Soon. Please......
6 years ago
So sorry to hear it's taking so long. I say buy her a month to month.
You'll get your suitability. Don't worry.
so sorry. Hope it happens really soon.
It can be such a frustrating process. Thinking of you and hope you hear soon!
I just found your blog and it is kind of nice to see more people with similar situations. I am barely trying to get our medical clearance, I don't want to think about the length of my security clearance.
Don't worry...you should be fine. They probably have a back log and need to go through a lot of files.
was just thinking of you. no news, huh?
I just submitted my application as a FSHP. I am a FNP in Virginia, 2 kids and a spouse. I expected to not hear anything until after the first of the year. AFter reading your blog, I think it may be spring before I should expect anything :-).
I will be following your post. Good luck.
I just came across your blog and I see it has been awhile since you last wrote. If you get this message I would love for you to contact me. I am also a FNP and would LOVE to eventually be able to work as a FSHP. I would love to chat with you about your experience so far. Please contact me mmmasonrn@aol.com
any news? Best,
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